
62 Game Reviews

20 w/ Responses

Amazingly Unique!

Graphics: Pretty Basic 8-bit style graphics. nothing ugly but nothing special neither. The walk cycles look ridiculous to me, but like I said its nothing hard on the eyes at least. I also love the way the color scheme changes it really reflects the depressing and empty feeling left in the world. simple and effective. 2/3

Sound: The music is really catchy and soothing yet creepy. it fits the mood very well. The sad track that plays towards the end feels a bit out of place to me, and no sound effects was a downer. 2/3

Execution: I have never felt so depressed before playing a game, and that's a good thing! you captured the emotions of an ending world it feels so eerie and empty towards the end. I am seeing a lot of people are hating the idea of only being able to play it once. Although I wish I would have had more clarification like a warning at the start telling me this would be my only play through before I made random decisions for the first 3 days, but it really gives you that feeling that you are going to die in 6 days and can't go back. It plays like a game but feels like a real life almost, a very depressing life at that. With plenty of endings this game is truly something that was thought out and well done. 3/3

Overall the quality of the product could have been better, but the overall experience is something completely new and unique. I award the extra point for that reason, and for the fact that you have the balls to make a one-play game despite the reaction the general public has. Not all games have to be the same, people. I feel the idea of not being able to replay would absolutely kill the experience of this game, but there is a way around it if you truly must gain the closure of not ending up throwing yourself off a roof.

Overall 8/10


Graphics: Not as bad as usual, but still very simple and ugly drawings. nothing special here. 1/3

Sound: The music used was good, and i actually enjoyed that part of it! the saza or watever that thing is sound effect got really annoying, tho. Otherwise there was not anything special about the sound effects. 2/3

Execution: The game seriously needs checkpoints. Memorizing 20-30 questions just to not know the next answer to a question that doesn't even really have an answer gets really REALLY annoying. There were definitely mistakes made too. You get lives at one point but lose them during others, i mean wtf! It does not make the game harder it just makes it annoying! If you lose at a part where you lose your mouse cursor it stays hidden when you restart, so you should look into fixing that too. 0/3

Overall this is definitely not you're worst piece of work, you are getting better at drawing and the music was nice. But the game itself is just mindless clicking and annoyances, nothing special about it. 3/10

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Same shitty reviews by CaOmDaYn!
What a surprise


I was never a huge fan of the room, but the movie has obtained a huge cult following so I give props to it for that. However, just because a game is based on a movie doesn't automatically make it good. So I will be reviewing this game as a game on it's own, not based on the movie it's about.

Graphics: You did a great job with the 8-bit style and nice animations, but the game seemed to move really slow at times. I don't have the world's best computer, but its not shitty by any standards. The game should be able to move smoothly on all decent computers rather than awesome new ones, and I felt like this became annoying especially when you play football in front of the electronics store. 2/3

Sound: Great soundtrack and 8-bit themes. I loved the sound effects and everything sounded really natural working together. 3/3

Execution: The game is funny at times and had a good ending, but for the most part moved incredibly slow. The dialogue scenes ran on for so long at times i found myself skipping over most of them because unfortunately i could care less about a bunch o people arguing over a girl. The battle sequences and mini-games could have been done much better than this I felt like there was absolutely no skill involved in it, way too easy! I don't want to play a game where i wake up, go to work, argue with my future mother-in-law then shower and go to sleep. Sorry but the game to me was not fun at all for about 90% of it. 0/3

Overall a great tribute to the movie, but not much of a game. I give you the extra point because you did a great job recreating everything from the film, i just wish the gameplay had a little bit more to it is all.


Good puzzles... but thats about it :/

Graphics: I understand you are going for the 8 bit style but nothing really stands out for me. The colors are simple and there are no special effects that really make it look special or unique, just not a very good looking game. 1/3

Sound: Same 3 sounds effects playing again and again with a song that was... well in my mind complete shit. The music was not appealing at all I had to mute it eventually because the constant chorus humming was almost comedic to me how badly done it was. 0/3

Execution: A lot of thought went into these puzzles, it is definitely a hard game to beat. I loved the atmosphere that you are simple, peaceful clouds while the world below you wages war. The simple controls work, but the difficulty curve is pretty off balanced. I found myself spending forever on one level, then acing the next without any thought process (Level 15 was particularly easy for being the last level). I also hated the way the clouds would not click into place evenly. It didn't add any difficulty or more challenge, it was just annoying because I already solved the puzzle I knew how to beat it, but because I went a little too fast and offset a cloud it ran into a thundercloud. This wouldn't b a big problem if the dangerous clouds wouldn't move slightly! Just one big frustration, but otherwise a good puzzle experience. 2/3

Overall I feel the game is highly overrated. The war below theme was good, but just because something has meaning doesn't automatically make it special or good for that matter. The puzzles definitely had thought put into them but the rest of the game needed a lot more polishing to be decent.


Amazing start! disappointing end...

Graphics: Nothing special but its nice and clean and looks good! I love your portrayal of Lucifer and hell as more of a business, its funny in its own sense. :) 3/3

Sound: Good clean sound effects and some pretty cool dark tunes to go along with it as well! Very pleasant all around. 3/3

Execution: Ok this is where things got shaky. The first half of the game was great! Good puzzles and tricky combinations! I felt very satisfied when I killed the first guy after all the puzzle solving it took up to that point. Then I clicked 4 or 5 items and the second one died... then it took even less then the third died. The game was over and I was left wanting more from it all. I understand that animation and programming takes a lot of time, but it was just that great buildup that really let it down for me when I found out what I thought was the halfway point was truly about 90% through the game. I liked how the first guy could be redeemed and you get a bad ending from it, well It would have been a great challenge if all three had that possibility! I just felt like the end ran out of ideas or was rushed, that's all. 1/3

Overall I loved the game, but it ends to suddenly for me. Nothing new was brought into the game for originality, and although I love the series it would be nice for some new additions to the game play now and then. Good quality overall!

Challenging as Hell! Not perfect, however

Graphics: I love the retro style and it is really really colorful, but when the screen scrolls or you are grappled onto a moving object... that blur just ruins everything. It really was sickening to look at. 1/3

Sound: I loved the robot's voice and funny dialogue and the music, but the repetition of it all was poking me in the back of the head by level 40. 2/3

Execution: This game...is... HARD! I completed all 50 levels in normal and was so brain dead i tried the 1st hard mission halfway through and finally just gave up. The physics and everything worked wonderfully, i felt great the moment i got through level 50 :) 3/3

Overall this game is super challenging and has a funny theme to it. I would definitely take the time to play through it, if you have a lot of time to kill that is. my final time was 44 minutes, which is pretty lengthy for a flash game! That motion blur and some of the repetition with the music though hurt the game's overall score. Also, we have all seen the 8 bit style platformers many times now on here. And the grappling gun is nothing new, as well as it was done. The robot's sayings were funny and almost worth dieing to hear, but I just feel like it all came from Portal. Nothing unique or special, but still a great challenge!


Age 36, Male


Joined on 5/26/04

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