Nice try...epic fail
Im actually pretty amazed how much is in this game, too bad none of it is worth it. The story is so broken and up you can't even follow what is going on. A lot was stolen from Pico's school which makes it feel really lazy you couldn't just draw you're own pictures! The click button games like these feel SOOOOO dated! They were popular in the early days of flash but now there is so much more you could have done with games so this feels just really outdated. I felt like bosses have WAY too much health, it didnt make the game harder it just makes it really annoying to have to click a picture moving around the screen in the same predictable pattern 100 times I mean jesus!
I like how you have reviews from your friends trying to make the game look so epic and awesome! It's really nothing special what so ever, just more button clicking which got old 4 years ago. The animation was as simple as it could possibly be there was nothing special there, and the drawings and graphics were pretty damn bad. Sorry but this is not a good game, I can see plenty of time went into this, but it was time well wasted. 0/10, 0/5