Decent flash, but the song is a fanboy abomination
This animation isnt terrible but nothing special. the animations repeat alot too which is pretty lazy. the song itself tho sounds like just an XBOX fanboy looking for reasons to rat on the PS3.
First off he says how it has blu-ray which he doesn't need. How are those HD-DVDs treating you xbox owners? :)
You're getting your ass kicked by the Wii... Well yes it definitely is but so is the 360! that's not something you can argue either!
Wheres the built in Wi-fi? Whats this huge ass adapter in the back half the size of the system!? The PS3 is more powerful but only needs a cord so WTF :/ I have yet to find anything wrong with PSN and finding my friends. Oh and btw its FREE! :D Killzone 1 sucked i agree but Killzone 2 im sorry but is amazing.
The Xbox has great exclusives! Like gears of war... and... umm.... Halo i guess... well no its just another generic shooter with the most overrated main character of all time. Lets see.... umm.... Mass effect? Well its ok but it definently is overatted with alot more problems then people credit it with. Oh and whats with these exclusives being available on the PC too? Thats not an exclusive!
PS3 on the other hand has MGS3, Uncharted 1 and 2, LBP, Killzone 2, Lair (gameplay sucked tho), God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, Demon souls, Fat Princess, Gran Turismo 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Resistance 1 & 2 (40 and 60 man multiplayer? whats that halo? 16 only? :O wtf?), Socom 4, White Knight Chronicles... PHEW! thats only tapping the rly good ones too :).
Sorry XBOX fans. Your system is garbage and its time to come to terms with it. the PS3 is catching up with sales fast to the 360, which has been out alot longer! I dont see Natal becoming anything impressive, after all microsoft doesn't exactly have a good history with getting it right on the first try lmao!
I rated this a 6/10 because the animation isnt very eye catching, it repeats, and is not an original song. Its not terrible however, and the past comments about the 360 were not included in the decision.
P.S. Red ring of death >:) that is all